Monday, August 24, 2020

Human Resource In Global Economy †Free Samples for Students

Question: Talk about the Human Resource Management In Global Economy. Answer: Presentation As associations look to improve their piece of the overall industry and nearness, globalization has become a significant thought for associations. Associations have moved their emphasis on catching new markets so as to improve their benefit proportions just as addition upper hands in the cutting edge corporate world that has been confronted with high paces of rivalry. Anyway as associations broaden their activities and adventure into new markets to increase an upper hand they despite everything keep on confronting various difficulties with the administration of HR inside the worldwide setting .Majorly these difficulties are identified with the executives of HR in the worldwide setting and hierarchical culture. Worldwide human asset the board alludes to all arrangements of exercises coordinated at overseeing HR at the universal level. The reason for this report will be to break down the different issues experienced by No Name Aircraft as investigated for the situation study. The repor t will initially investigate the International administration issues looked by the Aircraft, issues with preparing and execution the board lastly give end on significant issues and methodologies and suggestions that can be utilized by the organization. Worldwide administration issues No name faces various universal administration issues, for example, client related issues, shortages on help, client related issues and culturally diverse activity issues Diverse activity issues Multifaceted administration alludes to the investigation of conduct of individuals situated in various societies and nations around the globe. As associations become worldwide the more they are confronted with culturally diverse issues. It is significant for association working in the worldwide setting to set up measures to encourage understanding, quiet concurrence and joint efforts among different representatives at the work environment (Holden,2012). No name is confronting a genuine with respect to coordinated efforts between and correspondence groups and the administration .The principle issue that is confronting the association is an unfortunate culture that is more centered more around independence instead of collaboration as a component of this correspondence has been significantly influenced. No name has its central command in Australia and auxiliaries in three different nations including china, Vietnam and Singapore. These are nations having various societies which should be considered by the administration. As a feature of globalization cooperation of individuals from various societies can't be maintained a strategic distance from. These Interactions can prompt clash and collaboration now and again. Correspondence challenges in worldwide association are a result of language hindrances as well as in light of various societies among these individuals. The association is confronted with a significant correspondence challenge that has influenced correspondence that has influenced correspondence at the central station as well as between the home office and the auxiliaries (Barry, Dion Johnson,2008). Absence of incorporation among groups has made it generally difficult to work successfully inside the association. Absence of techniques to encourage understanding between societies has prompted a distinction both in correspondence and tasks between the central command and auxiliaries. The low productivity of the organization has been mostly a direct result of this Negative culture that has neglected to advance multifaceted tasks in the association. Client related issues Clients are a significant piece of any association, somewhat the accomplishment of an association is subject to the connections that exists between the association and its clients. Instances of client issues incorporate inadmissible administrations, unfulfilled guarantees, low quality of merchandise and ventures, inconsiderate workers, being exposed to additional charges. Being given clashing data among others (Knox van, 2014).These are not kidding issue which can cost an association incredibly due to its failure to draw in and hold clients. No name is confronting a significant issue from its clients identified with the nature of items .The quantities of grievances from its client who incorporate the two governments and non-governments have kept on expanding. For an association like No name which has set up a worldwide notoriety client grumblings can altogether hurt its activities. Despite the fact that grievances are normal in business activities yet what makes a difference is the d egree and how association respond to them. Buyer grievances are utilized by associations to build up their issues and have the option to concoct procedures to empower maintenance of clients. It has been discovered that client who gripe have a more elevated level of repurchase goal than the individuals who don't whine. The association is confronted with a difficulties of managing client protests radiating from low quality of its products for it to keep up worldwide norms and notoriety (Taleghani,et al,2011). Personnel shortages Staffing alludes to the procedure the administration work that is worried about the securing, preparing and advancement, evaluation and worker pay. It encourages having the correct individuals in the correct occupations and smooth activity of an association. Because of the significant idea of staffing as an administration work, administrators at all levels are required to constantly be occupied with the staffing capacity through enlistment, choice, preparing, evaluation and advancement of subordinates. No name is confronted with various shortages on help. First the association has a discriminative enrollment process whereby qualified individuals with incapacities are not considered for position inside the association. This is a difficult issue that can lead the association to legitimate debates (Shen, 2009).Three is additionally a significant issue with the companys preparing and advancement. The degree of execution in the association shows that there is a genuine requirement for pre paring and advancement notwithstanding; there are no genuine techniques to encourage preparing and improvement. Representative preparing needs have not been met and there has been no endeavor to see every individual workers preparing needs. Preparing for exiles is just embraced for a large portion of a day which is not really enough to encourage successful working of representatives in the new condition. Furthermore there has been no endeavor to see every individual representatives preparing needs with the supposition that being that all workers have comparative preparing needs. There has been an issue in that ranking directors have not willingly volunteered to create junior representatives to take up senior jobs inspired by a paranoid fear of being sidelined for advancements. This is a difficult issue that can hurt the associations future achievement. Representative preparing and advancement can prompt expanded occupation inspiration and fulfillment among the workers, decrease work er turnover and increment authoritative effectiveness which by and large add to money related achievement of an association (Korte, 2007).Lack of representative preparing and improvement has caused such a great amount of vulnerability among representatives with respect to their future profession prospects and has come about to poaching of some dependable representatives from the organization by different organizations. Representative Intolerance issues Representative assorted variety implies the demonstration of having various characteristics by workers at the work. Aside from social decent variety groups inside association may have other different ascribes as to their age just as their situation inside the association (Dollard Bakker, 2010). There is a high pace of narrow mindedness among representatives from various ages inside the association. Despite the fact that there is an approach at the association that expects representatives to regard one another, the association is especially at its base camp confronted with the issue of prejudice towards working with workers from various ages in the association. The most influenced have been the disciples whose associations with ranking staff have been stressed. There has likewise been bigotry towards working with individuals with inabilities with their applications being overlooked by the administration. Each representative in an association is significant regardless of the position t hat they involve in the association. Representative narrow mindedness ruins participation at the working environment which is very significant towards worker efficiency. Absence of resilience can likewise affect hierarchical notoriety and intensity (Markos Sridevi, 2010). Issue with execution and preparing the board No name is confronting a difficult issue identified with worker preparing and improvement .There is a general absence of accentuation on representative preparing and advancement. Execution Management Issue There are various issue that have prompted the exhibition the executives challenges that are a confronting the association. Among the elements that have been ascribed to improved execution in associations are societies, compelling correspondence, a situation that empowers collaboration, representative input and projects that advance worker development. Anyway so as to oversee hierarchical execution associations need to have procedures set up that are planned for improving the presentation of representatives. Execution examination is of the techniques that can be utilized to oversee execution in an association. Execution examination alludes to the assessment of representatives execution so as to comprehend their individual capacities, distinguish zones of progress and determine their preparation needs (Luthans, et al,2008) The association has a conflicting methodology towards worker execution surveys where the association auxiliaries have no exhibition audits for their workers. While the association should go about as a unit that has workers doing comparative jobs in various nations, it should have comparative methodologies for representative execution the board so any exiles think that its simple adapti

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Counselor’s failure to connect with client Free Essays

â€Å"There is additionally some current there, you feel hurt in light of the fact that, somehow or another you’re saying to me that you can’t love her as full as you truly love her, you can’t show her. † The advisor neglected to interface with the customer when the customer is advised thatâ€Å"there is continually going to be a contention. † The customer was over the span of sharing her considerations to which the advocate murmurs the word â€Å"anytime† threefold. We will compose a custom paper test on Counselor’s inability to interface with customer or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now The customer is by all accounts occupied by the steady reaction of â€Å"anytime† to which she basically said â€Å"okay†. At that point the advisor continues with occasional interferences and said â€Å"conflict in you so the relationship with the little girl can be as full as possible. † The customer needed to state something however the advisor keeps on explaining on what she thinks the customer needs to state. Another part that the advisor didn't associate with the customer is when guide expressed to include support calendars, or scholarly, other scholarly systems to begin where the customer is the most grounded. The customer answered by inquiring as to whether her tears will control of the fortification calendars, or scholarly methodologies which were disregarded by the guide. The guide keeps on encouraging the customer to â€Å"build her heart to your head and not from your head to your heart, that’s a customized see. † It is certain that the meeting isn't customer focused towards the finish of the discussion. The customer talked in delicate voice saying â€Å"yeah no doubt. † While the instructor keeps on expounding her recommendation by saying â€Å"It would bode well and it would be a territory of solidarity there† and â€Å"it bodes well. What's more, it’s simply that I had it in the wrong† without recognizing the client’s question. The guide additionally completed the client’s sentence when the person in question said the word â€Å"order† demonstrating that the instructor didn't let the patient state what she needs to state. It neglected to advance understanding given the requirement for the customer to emphasize what she got notification from the instructor to affirm shared comprehension. Outline of the meeting The meeting was about the difficulty of the customer on showing her girl to rest in her different bed. The mother strengthens this conduct however effectively surrenders to the calls of her little girl to let her rest adjacent to her mom. The mother needs to show her girl how to be sufficiently autonomous to rest alone. There was a huge advancement of this fortification when the little girl is guaranteed to have awards during birthday celebrations and Christmas. The mother has dissatisfactions on how she gives up and let her little girl have her own particular manner. Notwithstanding, the mother experiences difficulty dozing when her girl cries until she is moved to her mother’s bed. The primary issue of the customer is that she feels irate with herself more than she feels furious toward her girl. The customer imagines that she is the one to fault for permitting her girl to get some space along these lines permitting herself to be frail to remain by her own standards. A non-evaluative review of what occurs in the meeting The meeting permitted the customer to communicate her difficulty and sentiments with respect to strengthening her little girl to rest in her own bed. The customer opened up her concern at the principal half of the meeting while the advisor rendered her conclusions and proposals on the most proficient method to see the disciplinary activities applied to the client’s girl just as how to move toward the issue by taking â€Å"small, increment† steps. How could you feel while finding out about the meeting? (close to a large portion of a page) While the perusing the meeting, it struck me that it is so imperative to share weights or stresses. Issues, for example, child rearing or fortifying great conduct of kids can be a clash of feelings and will. Along these lines, a parent can be conflicted between following her mother’s senses to let her kid have her or his wants and yet ought to be a drill sergeant. All things considered, the job of guardians is to raise their kids to be dependable and gainful people. I additionally understood that the contention between being too indulgent and exacting with regards to child rearing is regularly a clash of feelings for most moms. Protective love regularly disrupts the general flow on imparting discipline on the kid as pity improves of a mother after observing her kid giving indications of misery, for example, crying, pitching fits, or defenselessness. In conclusion, there is a requirement for making fitting reactions during directing. The reactions made ought to be arranged in a way to additionally investigate a client’s sentiments by communicating affirmation, tolerating by allowing the customer to client, investigating with extra inquiries, and approving the client’s reactions by requesting that the customer further expound her or his contemplations. My assessment of this advising meeting Based on what I read, the directing meeting has its great and awful focuses. Directing is viewed as a decent treatment for customers who need to work their issues out. In this manner, the customer somehow communicated her repressed outrage and dissatisfactions. The instructor had the option to tune in and offer recommendations to the customer and her concern. Directing abilities that the instructor endeavor to utilize and show a few models utilizing your transcript. The directing abilities utilized by the instructor are verbal going to conduct incorporate things, for example, your manner of speaking, pace of discourse, moans, and uhms. The exemplary â€Å"uhum† is a verbal indication of intrigue that urges a customer to continue talking. What do you see as the counselor’s fundamental qualities or great characteristics? The fundamental quality of the instructors is being able to frame translations and utilization of compassionate remarks. The instructor communicated their own understandings when the customer portrays her battles on strengthening her little girl and the need to rest in her bed. The demonstration of gesturing your head or being quiet while the customer is talking fills in as an incredible message to urge the customer to communicate their emotions. This remedial type of correspondence must be utilized on explicit occurrences hence ought not be utilized constantly since it shows lack of engagement. The advisor offered compassionate remarks, for example, â€Å"so, in any case, however you’re still left with a, holding your breath. † and you’re truly testing your own understanding with the three days, four days, fourteen days, at that point back. † Thus it approves clients’ responses as worthy, typical, or reasonable. Instructions to refer to Counselor’s inability to interface with customer, Papers

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Short-Term Effects of Heroin Use

The Short-Term Effects of Heroin Use Addiction Drug Use Heroin Print The Short-Term Effects of Heroin Use By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 04, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 02, 2020 Andrew Burton Collection/Getty Images News More in Addiction Drug Use Heroin Cocaine Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery As soon as heroin enters the brain, the user experiences a surge of the pleasurable sensation known as a rush. When heroin enters the brain, crosses the blood-brain barrier, it is converted to morphine and quickly binds to opioid receptors, producing that euphoric feeling. How quickly the heroin enters the brain determines the intensity of the rush. When heroin is injected it causes a much quicker reaction than if it is smoked. If it is smoked, the reaction is quicker than if it is snorted. But, no matter how it is administered it enters the brain very rapidly and this is one reason heroin is so addictive. The Dangers of Heroin Remain, No Matter How Its Taken Other Short-Term Effects Other than the euphoric rush, users usually experience dry mouth, a warm flushing of the skin, and their extremities begin to feel heavy. Sometimes users can experience nausea, vomiting, and severe itching. After the initial, short-term effects of the drug, users can feel drowsy for several hours, due to heroins effect on the central nervous system. During this period cardiac function and breathing can slow down. In the case of a heroin overdose, breathing can slow to the point of being life-threatening. How Heroin Use Affects Your Health Street Heroin Is Not Always Pure Because heroin is often mixed with other substances before it is sold on the street level, the short-term effects that users experience can depend on many factors, including how much the drug was cut and what substance was used. Heroin is often mixed with non-harmful substances like baby powder or baking soda, which results in reducing the usual side effects of the drug. However, sometimes it is mixed with other substances that can increase the effects of the drug. Side Effects Can Be Deadly In recent years, healthcare officials have reported an increase in incidents in which heroin was mixed with the powerful painkiller fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is much more powerful than pure heroin. The results were a significant increase in overdose deaths across the United States. The danger lies in the fact that heroin users really have no way of knowing exactly what they may be getting or how pure it may be. They really never know what they are actually taking. Users who are used to using heroin that has been highly diluted by mixing it with baking soda, who unexpectedly use heroin that has not to be cutâ€"or that which has been mixed with other drugsâ€"can accidentally overdose. Symptoms of a Heroin Overdose Taking too much heroin, accidentally or intentionally, can cause an overdose that can affect the airways, lungs, eyes, ears, nose, throat, heart, blood, skin, stomach, intestines, and the nervous system. If you suspect that someone has overdosed on heroin, call 911 immediately, or call the national, toll-free Poison Help hotline (800-222-1222). Here are symptoms of a heroin overdose: No breathingShallow breathingSlow and difficult breathingDry mouthExtremely small pupilsDiscolored tongueLow blood pressureWeak pulseBluish-colored nails and lipsSpasms of the stomach and intestinesComaDeliriumDisorientationDrowsinessUncontrolled muscle movements How to Recognize the Signs of Drug Overdose

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Influence of Emerson’s Self-Reliance on Gilman’s Yellow...

Influence of Emerson’s Self-Reliance on Gilman’s Yellow Wall-Paper The great writer Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string (p. 1033). How surprised he would be to find out that a half century later this type of idea would culminate in a growing restlessness among American women unsatisfied with their lives and with their roles in society - a society dominated by men with little or no place for women outside the home. One of these female writers who helped lead the battle for domestic and social reform was Charlotte Perkins Gilman. One of her more particularly forceful works is The Yellow Wall-Paper, meant to highlight the submissive and highly undervalued role women play in†¦show more content†¦This further indicates the dominant role he holds in the marriage. Her opinions are further subjugated by the fact that her husband is a physician, and practical in the extreme (p. 801). Therefore, the narrator feels as if she is doubly inferior, both as a wife and as a patient, and that she must take her husbands advice no matter how strong her own concerns. In fact, even her mental activities such as writing are regulated because her husband hates to have [her] write a word (p. 802). Even in her own family she can find no solace because her brother, also a physician, sides with her husband. The wallpaper seems to signify irrationality and a feeling of shame or dirtiness, qualities which are tied into the narrators own life. The color dirty yellow was chosen because it is most commonly associated with stains and the process of aging. The color possibly signifies how unclean the wife felt in her own marriage and the thought that she would grow old, trapped in such a condition. Furthermore, the pattern of the wall-paper is a constant reminder of the narrators degrading marriage. During the day it is described as a defiance of law....[The wallpaper]...slaps you in the face, knocks you down, and tramples upon you....The outside pattern is a florid arabesque, reminding one of fungus (p.807). This violence again ties in with her married life being somehow an act of degradation, and by

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Stress and Its Effects on Job Performance

Stress and Its Effects on Job Performance Who of you worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? -Luke 12:25-26 Whether you are talking to a college professor, a nuclear physicist, a doctor or the fifteen year-old flipping burgers at your neighborhood McDonalds, a common factor that ties all of their very different jobs together is job-related stress. Stress comes in many forms and it affects people in many ways. Some people have mastered the art of targeting and reducing it at its root, and at the other extreme, some may die as a result of it. Whatever the case, stress is a force to be reckoned with both at work and elsewhere. Stress is not a†¦show more content†¦One of the main reasons that stress can be labeled as a killer is that its effects can be delayed and it can accrue. More or less, stress is a time bomb. Stein states that: It is now known that the most malign effects of stress can be deferred and can accumulate until excessive levels are reached. Compounded stress can contribute to sudden death - as it does each year for thousands of victims of heart attack and stroke; or it can contribute slowly and insidiously - as it does for millions - to a vast assortment of other equally devastating physical and mental disorders. (1983, p. 2) This is not to mention that stress is not cheap for anyone by any means. According to one study, stress costs US industry $19.4 billion dollars every year because of premature employee death due to stress. Another $150 million per year is lost in the US alone because of stress-related absenteeism. Annually, $700 million dollars is being spent to recruit replacements for executives with heart disease, chronic pain, hypertension and headaches, three stress related disorders, that make up fifty-four percent of job absenteeism. Not to mention that workers compensation awards for job stress are usually four times the amount of awards for regular claims (Stress Management 2000: High Cost of Stress 2000). John McEwan, stress, grief and trauma consultant, says that learning how to manage stress is the key to a healthy and more fulfilling life.Show MoreRelatedThe Harmful Impacts of a Teacher ´s Job Essay599 Words   |  3 PagesA job could be the most rewarding aspect of one’s life, but it also can have a harmful impact. These harmful impacts are stress and the effects that is has on a person can be damaging in a number of different ways. The effects of stress can lead to serious illness and if not managed, can even result in death. Stress may not necessarily be a dreadful and visible disease like cancer, diabetes, or other infectious diseases. 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Strategic performance management Free Essays

string(112) " its employees with equal opportunities and provide them with rewards in order to build long term relationship\." Introduction: With the rapid changes occurring in the business world due to tough global competition, product proliferation, customer relations, the preferences and working of organizations has also changed and enhanced. However the success and permanence of organizations relies the way the organizations perform. This could be further explained as the way organizations carry out their strategies and achieve its objectives to be effective. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic performance management or any similar topic only for you Order Now For this purpose it is necessary that are noses are pointed in the same direction, means as every employee contributes to the organization through his/ her activities towards the attainment of objectives f the organization. However it is the responsibility of the manger to keep a proper tract about the performance of the employees through performance measurement as the performance and success of the organization heavily relies on the performance of its people. As Bititci., et al (1997) said: â€Å"The need for an integrated set of performance measures which supports rather than contradicts business objectives is clearly established†. Similarlyteams are the most important force within an organization to derive it, enhance the performance and achieve the strategic objectives f the organization. A team may be a functional team, project team or a team of managers; it is believed people get most done when they are working together in an effective way. However if the team or the me mbers of the team are not working accurately or in an effective manner this may hinder the performance and productivity of the company. The current report aims at measuring the performance and strategic objectives of Tesco. 1.Putting performance targets to achieve Strategic objectives of Tesco: The most obvious strategic objectives of any organization are directed towards the maximizing and generating higher profits and returns for the owners, others are aimed at customers and society at large (Dess., et al 2005). However the setting of strategic objectives is a challenging task for an organization as the failure and success of the organizations depends a lot on the objectives the organization is setting. Strategic objectives are set for a longer time. Tesco is one of the famous and UK based supermarket. The company was founded way back in 1919 and its founder was Jack Cohen. The company is using mix tools for performance management. Tesco is using score card methodology which has been tailored and named as â€Å"Steering Wheel†. However the steering wheel is extension of Kaplan and Norton (1996) and contains the element of community at its heart (Talking Tesco, 2009). However the company has developed the steering wheel on the basis of cooperate strategy and is empl oyed by the executives of the company to achieve the core objective of the company. The wheel comprises of four different dimensions and each dimension underpins its own set of objectives. However Tesco measure its objectives by different coding colors such as green, amber and red. The green color depicts that the objectives of the company by its employees are met, amber depicts the tasks that needs attention and red color depicts failure of the task or objective by the employees. For instance it could be explained as the target set for waste in one of the store was set at 5% of the revenue generated by the store, however if the percentage is below 4 it is depicted as green color on the steering wheel, and above 5 percent the wheel shows red color.However this does not have a visionary purpose. Witcher., et al (2008) argued to this and said the purpose of Tesco in doing so is not to achieve a new position but it aims at measuring the values which are in line with the purpose or obje ctives of the company. However the main aim of having steering wheel is enable and relate the personal objective of the employees with the values of the business in order to provide the staff to stabilize the vales efficiently in managing the daily work. The wheel consists of the four Kaplan and Norton perspectives with an addition of community perspective added in 2006 (Tesco, 2008). The wheel helps Tesco to achieve all its objectives by the way of performance targets. Source: Tesco .com 1.1 The link between team performance and strategic objectives of Tesco: The colors on the steering wheels reveals the performance of the any of the store of Tesco, however if the wheel shows green color it means the team performance is in accordance to the objectives of the company and more the company is successful in attaining the objectives set by it through the performance of its employees in form of teams on the contrary the red color on the wheel reveals the team has failed to perform in order to achieve the objectives of the company. The more green the wheel will be the more objectives set by the company will be achieved. However this principle is employed at strategic level of the company (Tesco, 2009). 1.2 Objectives of the organization: The strategic objectives of the company are: As being one of the leading retail store in Britain, consisting of 519 stores in England, Scotland and Wales. However there are 105 stores in France and 44 in Hungary. As being a global operator Tesco aims at providing best value of product for the money they pay at competitive price. Tesco aims to meet the needs of its customers by taking into account the demands and preferences of its customer and moreover by considering the views of customers regarding any innovative product and more over enhances the quality of the product by keeping the choices and changing preferences of the customers. Tesco aims at improving its services and store facilities in order to provide the shareholders with better returns by maximizing the profits of the company. Tesco aims at employing latest technology develop the skills of its employees by the way of implement sound management strategies and by the way of training and development program. Moreover Tesco aims at providing its employees with equal opportunities and provide them with rewards in order to build long term relationship. You read "Strategic performance management" in category "Essay examples" Furthermore Tesco aims at adhering to strict price and quality of products standard in order to participate and formulate national food industry policies on the issues of nutrition, health, hygiene and this also includes the safety of animals, supporting well being and protecting the environment (Tesco, 2010). 1.3 Requirements for Workforce to achieve objective of Tesco: In order to meet the objectives of the company, Tesco employs classical hierarchical management for their stores however keeping in mind the size of the store the hierarchy is dived into six segments such as: Front end (check outs), Produce and fresh, Merchandising, Stock control, Administration, Personnel Ambient Each section consist of operational staff who is under the supervision of team leader, who has to report to the sectional manager , and the sectional manager is entitled to report to store manger. This store manager has to provide a detailed report to area manger. However the employees are trained to enhance their skills as the company is undertaking new markets such as finance and property and for this the need for capability and expertise is increasing. 1.4 Tools and techniques available to set team performance targets: The team performance targets are achieved by the website of Tesco or by the Witcher., et al (2008). However the performance of operational staff on the wheel’s objectives is measured quarterly and a summary report is presented to 2000 managers to cascade the staff. As the steering wheel is customer based and undertakes performance based approach and moreover it allows to measure performance on daily basis that is used for long term strategic objectives. However the performance targets of employees are reviewed at a regular basis. It is imperative to make sure the objectives remain suitable and vigorous measures of performance I the company. However the purpose, vision and the steering wheel go hand in hand and complement each other in managing the corporate performance. This requires the understanding of Tesco ‘purpose’ statement when employing ‘Steering Wheel’. Tesco’s core objective is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loya lty. 1.5 Processes that deliver outcomes based on organizational goals and aims: The company has employed balanced score card methodology to measure the operations as the card has been modified as per the needs of the department and the performances are measured during team meetings and the waste is argued at strategic level. 1.6 Appropriate methods for evaluating performance: The methods adopted by Tesco to evaluate the performance of the staff includes a PDP personal development planning folder , as it contains the detail of performance appraisals, needs of any training, training that is given, and the departmental performance data. However the colors of the steering wheel helps measure the performance of all the departments. 1.7 Review capacity and capability of current workforce: Using the current work force Tesco has become the largest retailer and employer in UK private sector. Despite the tough construction laws imposed, Tesco is still expanding by leaps and bounds. The UK market has enough labor to cater for the recruitment at UK level. However, for international operations, the capability to recruit from UK diminishes; the recruitment is carried out at local countries. With the current workforce of 280,000 people in UK alone Tesco is more than capable to sustain itself against any future expansion plans. 2. Agreeing team performance targets to meet strategic objectives: This section highlights the team performance targets in order to meet the strategic gains at store level. 2.1 Performance targets required within teams against current performance: In order to measure the current performance of the team against performance targets Tesco has employed an internal communication channel called team 5 which the staff has to sign once in a week which undertakes whether the performance target has been achieved or not. Moreover the local stores are required to engage in community and find out about shopping references. The staff is required to be polite, helpful and cordial to the customers. Each store has set seasonal, weekly and occasional targets which are compared with the year on year targets. 2.2 The skills, knowledge and experience required to undertake current organizational activities: At operational level not much high skills are required but going above the hierarchy of management the enhanced skills are required. For instance the sectionalmanagers need to have the abilities of management, project orientation and awareness of financial matters. The PDP folder helps to access the training needs for the staff, due to rapid technological changes Tesco has invested in training of XML, Macros and other systems such as self help check outs monitoring and online reporting. This allows the staff to mange their own profile online. However this requires efficient communication among the staff and proper training. 2.3 Systems for collecting and assessing information on the overall performance: Tesco utilizes digital ways to collect and assess information. However it has engaged with the community by the way of leaflets, and surveys but it engages through CSR (corporate social responsibly) at strategic level. Tesco needs to invest in greener and fair products. The data stored at front end allows analyze and compare sales for the overall performance. Moreover the loyalty club cards enable Tesco to understand the buying and shopping patterns of the customers and to allocate new target markets. 3. Motivating team performance to achieve organizational objectives: In order to achieve the objectives of the company Tesco employs motivational techniques such as rewards, employee of the month, appreciation and encouragement to motivate its employees and get the best out of their performance. 3.1 Context of delegation, mentoring and coaching to achieve organizational objectives: At Tesco mentoring is provided to the employees during the graduate training program and moreover a mentor is provided for a year. Moreover coaching is provided to the operational staff during the training. At grass root level delegation is not much involved but operational teams do the job which they are required to perform with few job rotations. 3.2 Monitor activities to improve team performance: In order to improve the team performance of the staff f Tesco needs to adopt a top to bottom approach as communication is very vital for implementing the strategy in any organization. Moreover if the top management does not have communication with the lower staff it gets difficult to assess and monitor strategic objectives and processes going on in the company (Mabey 2002). For this Tesco needs to develop various channels to have a smooth flow of communication to transfer information and to have a better check on the performance of the employees. The higher management needs to keep a healthy relation with the employees to assess them accurately against PDP folder. Moreover identification of the work objectives, key dates and support materials should be provided by the management and also at their daily and weekly staff meetings so that staff can measure their contribution to the steering wheel. Moreover the steering wheel should be monitored strictly against the performance of the em ployees as it enables the company to strengthen its objectives and attain competitive advantage through workforce efficient performance (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990). 3.3 Monitoring team performance: On the basis of balance score card methodology Witcher., et al (2008) proposed an strategic model for the company. However it incorporates the regular strategic controls of the company and enables it to monitor them as follows: Source: Witcher et al, 2008 3.4 Evaluation of team performance against agreed objectives: At Tesco the team performance is evaluated by the way of feedbacks, team briefings and by implementing Deming’s PDC approach. However the areas which are improving are shown by color code that is communicated by team 5 exercise among the staff (Deming, 1986). 4. Contribution of influence and persuasion to team dynamics: With evolution of different management theories, the modern business uses a mix of these theories in order to get the maximum benefit. However for the purpose of employee motivation extrinsic or monetary rewards has been a great motivational factor to enhance the performance of the employees. These motivational factors re discussed in this section (Tesco 2010). . 4.1 Methodologies to gain commitment to action: At Tesco the top management is employing a combination of Taylorism and Maslow theory of need as it enables to enrich the job satisfaction of the employees by involving the staff in the process of decision making and allowing the staff to become a part of the organization. Further the company also provides extrinsic rewards in the shape of bonuses, pay increments in order to motivate the employees. However it has been proven techniques of gaining highly motivated staff with high commitments to the organization. However there are more than 260,000 employees working in Tesco and in order to motivate them and encourage they are asked to participate in staff question time sessions which provides the upper management an insight of the valuable opinions of the staff about the working conditions going on in the stores (Talking Tesco, 2009). Moreover this exercise is focused at just not taking feed back of the employees but also asks to provide useful suggestions from employees in order to enhance the services of the company and quality of the products delivered. Some of the other ways of building healthy relationships among staff members is by communicating through channels exercised between Usdaw (Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers) and Tesco. This partnership is of great importance for both the companies as it provides the biggest trade union agreement which observes the biggest staff forums in private sector. The meeting in held three times a year and exchanges important feed backs from both the sides. Moreover the training and development held during the meeting provides the staff to enrich their skills and experience by working with Usdaw. According to Tesco’s website (2009) the company made an investment of over 2,000 new management and 4,500 team Leader roles to continue to provide their ‘Every Little Helps’ to their customers. Moreover the company tends to motivate its employees through profit sharing and ownership sharing t hrough subsidized share schemes for employees such as ‘Save as You Earn’ and ‘Buy as You Earn’. In addition to the above Tesco pays double amount to employees for their contribution which enable the company to retain and regard highly performing and loyal employees. 4.2 Impact of individual dynamic on securing commitment to action: The impact of ex-chief executive on the maintaining and securing the commitment of its staff is magnificent. For any strategic action has to be channeled through effective top level management. The Tesco’s former boss earned the industry along with the respect of its employees by achieving many rewards and taking the company to the success of highest level. Mr. Terry Leahy joined the company way back in 1979 and implemented many strategic moves in the company such as introducing and devising the club card (loyalty card) scheme. He was a figure who captured every employee’s imagination as he originated from the humble beginnings within the Tesco. He started working with Tesco as marketing executives and rose to high ranks. He earned a great respect in the Britain Business industry. He was selected as ‘Business Leader of the Year’ in 2003 (Manchester, 2009). In the famous newspaper guardian he was declared the most influential non-elected person in Britain i n 2007.he is considered as a visionary leader among his fellow colleagues which could be evident by the performance management methodologies implemented by him in the company (Tesco, 2009b). One of the most significant decisions ever made by Terry has been the introduction of loyalty card and loyalty schemes. Before this, Tesco used to trail behind Sainsbury and Marks and Spencer (Tesco, 2009).However since 1997, under the leadership of Mr. Leahy Tesco has expanded into non food, telecoms, and financials and remains the leading supermarket in UK. These efforts were duly recognized by CMI (Chartered Management Institute), which awarded gold medal for the futurist and pragmatic leadership of Sir Terry Leahy. Jo Causon, director, marketing and corporate affair sat the Chartered Management Institute says: â€Å"The pace of change and the drive to build global brands has had a major impact on the nature of management and leadership. Sir Terry Leahy’s vision and determination to maintain high service levels for customers the world over is indicative of his energy for business and a real commitment to deliver effective results.† (CIM, 2009) 5. Conclusion: From the above it could be concluded that team performance plays a major role in attaining the strategic objectives of the company and in order to enhance the performance of the employees the company should motivate the employees by intrinsic and extrinsic rewards moreover their should be a proper system of check and balance o monitoring of the staff whether the staff is performing according to the objectives of the company. Apart from this a motivational pragmatic and enthusiastic leader or mentor is required who takes the team along with it to meet the strategic objectives of the company. References Dess, Gregory, G., G.T. Lumpkin and Marilyn L. Taylor. Strategic Management. 2 ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2005. Deming, W.E. (1986), Out of the Crisis: Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge Lebas, M.J. (1995), Performance measurement and performance management, HEC School of Management, F-78351 Jouy en Josas Cedex, France. Published by Elsevier B.V. Mabey, C. (2002). Mapping management development practice, Journal of Management Studies, 39(8): 1139 – 1160. Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. 1996. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Harvard Business School Press: Boston, MA. Teece D.C., Pisano G. and Shuen A. 1997. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal 18: 509–533. Tesco, (2009), Tesco: Annual Report and Summary Financial Statement 2007. Tesco plc, Hertfordshire. Available at: Talking Tesco, (2009), Talking Tesco, A Report. Available at:, Accessed on 13/05/2011. Witcher., B.J and Chau, V.S. (2008), Contrasting uses of balanced scorecards: case studies at two UK companies. Strat. Change 17: 101–114 available at CMI (Chartered Management Institute), 2009. Sir Terry Leahy Honored for Leadership Excellence. Available at, Accessed on 13/05/2011. How to cite Strategic performance management, Essay examples

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Pharmaceuticals RD India and China Essay Example

Pharmaceuticals RD India and China Essay Title:Analysis of Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Company’s Strategy in China Name : (CHEN Jianfeng) ID Number :20092711001 Supervisor : Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 2010? 10? 08? Tutor’s Comments and Grade signature Date 2010- Abstract In this case report we will try to analysis the detailed strategic options for Novo Nordisk as a top human Insulin provider to sustain its growth internationally. We will give comments for our recommendations and evaluate the VRIO Framework of the internal organization and provide a clear Five Forces Analysis. Novo Nordisk is a Denmark based Bio-Pharmaceuticals giant that has been one of key company which shaping diabetes care industry was known by health care professional Novo Nordisk has occupied one third European and Latin America insulin markets. The company now has high ambitious to enter into Asian market especially China Market in the coming five years. We have developed one strategy base on its Marketing strategy and China ctual diabetes healthcare situation for management to consider. We divided Our strategy into two parts, one is maintain the leading position in Insulin market ( Novo Nordisk ), another is to expand the market share of oral anti-diabetes. Follow the strategy we will suggest NN should segment the Market into different tier of cities within China, at the same time NN may need to differentiate the strategy of Insulin wi th oral anti-diabetes drug. We will write a custom essay sample on Pharmaceuticals RD India and China specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pharmaceuticals RD India and China specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pharmaceuticals RD India and China specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Novo Nordisk manufactures and markets pharmaceutical products and services that make a significant difference to patients, the medical profession and society. With headquarters in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs more than 29,000 employees in 81 countries, and markets its products in 179 countries. Novo Nordisk’s B shares are listed on the stock exchanges in Copenhagen. Its ADRs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ‘NVO’ Novo Nordisk (China) was established on 1994 and its Headquarter was set up in Beijing. NN China has set up its sale net work over China with affiliates or offices in 6 cities nationally. NN China has employed over 1,500 people in China. Vision of NN Our vision paints a picture of what Novo Nordisk wants to achieve as a company – our place in the market and our overall goals in relation to patients, society and employees. 3. NN’s Strategic Objectives †¢ NN gained marketing share in modern insulin market in strategic hospitals over 70% †¢ The market share of OAD of NN in strategic hospital increase to 14% †¢ All product’s growth rate is more than market in the coming five years   Sales in China mainland increased by 19% in local currencies. †¢ Sales growth measured in local currencies is expected to be in the range of 6-10% whereas operating profit measured in local currencies is expected to increase by around 10% annually in the coming 5 years Key issues and problems Key issues and problems for NN China include how the company manages to coordinate its growth and to maintain its competitive advantage in the dramatically changing market environment of the dynamic Joint venture Pharmaceutical sector. VRIO Table 1. 1 The VRIO framework |Value |Rarity |Imitability |Organization |Competitive Implication | |Integrative insulin treatment|Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Sustained Competitive advantage | |line | | | | | | |leading hospitals penetration|No |Yes |Yes |Yes |Sustained Competitive advantage | |rate | | | | | | |National refrigerated supply |No |Yes |Yes |Yes |Temporally competitive advantage | |chain | | | | | | |RD capacity |Yes |No |No |Yes |Sustained Competitive advantage | |Strong relationship with |Yes |No |Yes |Yes |Temporally Competitive advantage | |Health Authority | | | | | | 3. Integrative insulin treatment line One of the key elements of NN to occupy the market is its unique and excellent production line and injection tool. From fine needle to Flexpen, NN has developed humanized and easy use treatment tool for diabetes patient. Furthermore, unique insulin injection pen can develop patient’s loyalty. Currently, some companies have developed its own injection tool but n one of them can exceed NN’s injection tool with regard to the convenience, quality and price. And one key point is the patient can not inject others brand insulin with NN’s injection pen that may guarantee its sale. 3. 2 Leading hospitals penetration rate Till now, production of insulin and analogue of insulin have occupied 68% consumption within all strategic hospital. And high occupation rate has experienced drastic challenge from others pharmaceuticals companies. As for key cities, NN’s market share was 57%. , its opponent Sanofi-Aventis has 33% and Lily has 10. 7% in year 2009. 3. 3 National refrigerated supply chain NN has set up it national refrigerated supply chain since 1995, and keep strategic relationship with all key supplier within China. This expensive supplier chain cost millions of dollar to maintain it annually. That is why some domestic company can not expand its market into remote area. 3. 4 RD capacity We can see whole company’s profit primarily driven by the robust sales growth for our portfolio of modern insulins. The launch of Victoza ® in Europe is very encouraging and we look forward to continuing the global roll-out of Victoza ® following the recent approvals in the US and Japan. NN strong RD capacity makes it impossible to surpass by its opponents recently. And new and advanced treatment will ensure NN to maintain its leader position in diabetes treatment field. Victoza will be approved by sFDA in China at year 2013. 3. 5 Strong relationship with Health Authority In China, we value the relationship with health authority, especially, during national bid process. NN has build up its relation net web since 1995 as pioneer joint venture Pharmaceutics Company in China. The strong relationship has given NN a lot of advantage in participating primary healthcare system reform and national bid process. 4. Porters five forces 4. 1 The threat of established rivals 1. Sanofi-Aventis Company Information ? Total number of Lantus’s rep. would reach about 380 in 2009. ? Set up an exclusive sales team for Amaryl in 2009, around 180 rep. in China. ? Sanofi-Aventis would pay more and more attention on the Lantus; its sales revenues target in 2009 is RMB 220-250 million. Marketing Activities ? Frequently hold the news conference of kinds of activity; highly pay attention to media’s direct participation. Launched its disposable pen-OptiSet at the end of year 2007 to replace its penfill product. ? Promote the principle of ADA: the best treatment to diabetes is to use basal insulin plus first-line oral anti-diabetic drugs (for example, Metformin) by the methods below: 1. To train 100 young speaker in China national wide to expand influencing coverage 2. To promote principle among doctors by frequent provincial academic conference 3. To promote principle from the association of Chinese endocrinology and diabetes by sponsoring them with other 5 companies 4. To conduct VIP summits in China to influence doctors of low level Unethical Promotional Activities Expansive coverage of PMS: about RMB 50 (in small hospitals or peripheral cities)-250 (in large hospitals or important cities) as prescription incentive for each new OptiSet patient. Product Information ? Apidra, short-acting modern insulin, is expected to be launched in 2009. And its disposable pen-SoloSTAR will be launched after that very soon. Performance in IMS 21+3 cities/regions ? About 60% of total Lantus’ rep. located in IMS 21+3 cities. ? Substantial investment in important hospitals, such as invite chief of department to attend abroad meeting and give prescribing doctor more incentive. ? Recruit more rep. in important cities to add visiting number to key hospital doctor. Start to promote Lantus in middle small even community hospitals in some city in which it has better performance Sanofi-Aventis’s Impact to NN ? Its young speaker training plan pointed to the promising doctors in important cities. Generally, those doctors are considered as the successor of current chief of department. They are limited resources that every player in this market would exert much effort to use. ? Its effort in promoting new ADA’s principle of diabete s treatment in China would provide much more help for its sales. ? Dangerous cities which maybe lose leading position to Sanofi-Aventis: Wuhan ? Its unethical promotional method deeply influenced NN’s sale. 2. Lilly Company Information It clones our small-city plan to increase the number of rep. in small cities at the peripheral of large cities. ? Lilly pays same attention both on human insulin and modern insulin. Its sales forecast of 2008 in human insulin is around RMB 290 million; modern insulin is 32 million. Marketing Activities ? Investment in Chinese clinical research in diabetes through sponsoring CDS. It would invest about RMB 18 million in basic research in three years. The total investment also includes inviting the specialists in EASD CDS to conduct short-term academic courses for helping more young diabetic doctors. ? More novel and creative patient educational method. Promotional Activities Expansive coverage of presenting its injection pen to patients when the y purchase Humalog, from 3 (in large hospitals or important cities) to 5 penfill (in small hospitals or peripheral cities). And it pays doctor about RMB 100-150 as prescription incentive. Product Information ? In the near further 3 years, Lilly would launch at least 15 drugs and medical instrument; many of them are related to diabetes, including Byetta (GLP-1) in 2009, ruboxistaurin (Arxxant) for diabetic retinal disease and diabetes peripheral neuropathy (DPN), anti-obesity drug (to prevent the occurrence of diabetes). Performance in IMS 21+3 cities/regions ? About 60% of total insulin rep. located in IMS 21+3 cities. ? Recruit more rep. in important cities to add visiting number to key hospital and doctor. Substantial investment in important hospitals, such as invite chief of department to attend abroad meeting, give doctor more incentive, and present its injection pen to patients when they purchase 3-5 penfill of Humalog. Lilly ’s Impact: Not only treatment, but to all of areas in diabetes ? Its investment of RMB 18 million may not produce immediately impact to NN, since it is a three-year’s plan and includes the fee which would pay for the invitation of EASD’s experts. But it certainly can help Lilly to build a very good impression in China’s CDS and diabetes patient. ? What is more, Lilly’s patient education methods are very creative and novel; if NN has no further improvement in it, NN’s leading position in this area will face with substantial challenge. The investment in basic clinical research, more patient education activities, all of above which Lilly did is to enlarge and then occupy much more diabetic market through the improvement of patients’ awareness and treatment rate on disease. ? As for the prevention of diabetes and diabetes complication’s treatment, Lilly also made great effort. ? Furious competition in IMS cities listed below: Qingdao, Fuxiaquan, Shenyang, Hangzhou, Suxichang, ? Dangerous city which maybe lose leading position to Lilly: Chengdu ? Its unethical promotional method deeply influenced NN’s sale. 3. Bayer Company Information ? Bayer hopes to build up its good public image through many projects involving enterprises social responsibility since its huge investment in company image in 2007. ? The sales revenue of Glucobay in 2007 is around at RMB 920 million. Marketing Activities Glucobay is trying to strengthen and maintain its leading position in OAD market. After achieving better performance in large hospitals in large cities, Bayer has begun to promote its product in small cities and small, even community hospitals in large cities, since it conducted many marketing activities in these areas, such as ‘diabetes cabin’ in community hospitals in large cities, and designed training plan for doctors in country level hospitals at some small cities. ? Set up an academic team in Chinese Medical Doctor Association to build Glucobay’s image in cardiologist; and promote its function in diabetes prevention through ACE (Acarbose Cardiovascular Evaluation) project. Promotional Activities Glucobay’s mainly focused patients are elder citizens, patients of no-good PPG control, and patients who frequently happen cardiovascular events; and it also conduct a post-clinical trail (RMB 100-300 incentive to doctor for each new diagnosed diabetes patient) in North China to catch new patients. ? About RMB 5-10 per box as prescription incentive. Product Information ? Its human insulin, Insugen, expected to be launched in China in 2010. Bayer’s Impact ? NN has no new OAD product in the future two years, NovoNorm’s job is to catch up with Bayer’s Glucobay. ? Among all of 21+3 cities/regions, NovoNorm has advantage in value share only in Harbin ? After leading the market of large hospitals in large cities, Bayer begins to enter small cities and small, even community hospitals in large cities. . 2 Threat of substitute products The threat of substitutes for diabetes treatment over the existing medication is moderate. Patient has to choose OAD at the beginning, now one of new OAD is DPP4 and its effect is similar to Novonorm of NN but it may has less side effect based on current research but the new OAD may be more expense then existing OAD. So its impact to existing OAD is moderate. Long acting GLP-1 was considered as pivotal revolutionary medication in Diabetes, and NN has developed its GLP-1 10 years ago, now Vitoza has launched in USA and European. But Roche’s weekly GLP-1 was regarded as potential opponent in the coming 10 years. In a conclusion, the threat of substitute can be reasonable moderate in this industry based on the RD plan within top 10 pharmaceuticals companies over the world. 4. 3 The threat of new entrants The threat of new entry highly influenced by the RD strategy of others pharmaceutical companies and Chinese huge market potential. Till now, Roche has announced it will enter into diabetes care with its weekly-dose GLP-1, and it is expected to get the FDA approval in year 2017. Some pharmaceutical giants such as Norvatis and Merks has speeded up their RD progress and their market plan to capture Chinese market. 4. 4 Suppliers Supplier’s power in this industry is low. In the raw material part of the insulin, most of the company has developed their manufacture factory and Lab centre, so the suppliers of the insulin have a low impact on the price of products. Furthermore some big joint venture Pharmaceutical companies has set up their own factory in China to cut down the cost of product. 4. 5 The bargaining power of customers Till now, China has about 100 million diabetes patients. And the average cost of diabetes care has reached 200 RMB/per mother/per patient based on the current epidemiology investigation. Now about 50% patients were covered by social insurance system and most of the existing anti-diabetes drugs were listed into primary drug list, so this part of patients will not sensitive to the price of drug. Table 2. 1 Market Positioning Grid: High |Coverage | |Lily |Novo Nordisk | |Sanofi-aventi | | | | | | | | |Low |High | |Market share |Bayer Market share | |GSK | | |Norvatis | | | | | |Low |Coverage | 5. Strategic proposal There is lots of Challenge in the diabetes care market in China in the coming five year even NN China has occupied two third market shares for a long time. The manager teams of NN experienced heavily pressure to maintain its leading position because there are some uncertain factors such as national healthcare reform and annual bid. The strong RD capacity can give NN the opportunity to be in front of all the competition in the Chinese market. What we propose that NN enlarge its market with market segmentation. As for insulin market, NN should enlarge the market by increasing the diabetes diagnosis rate and boosting insulin use rate. Also, NN need to increase market share by capturing OAD failed patient to use insulin and switch the patient who use other brand insulin to use NN insulin. Moreover NN also can promote production combination concept to increase the analogue use rate. All of above measure may increase the insulin and insulin analogue’s penetration rate in the existing diabetes treatment market. As for city segmentation, we can divide mainland cities into three tiers. Firstly, we resist the competition form others companies in east China region and Guangzhou, Chengdu cities. Secondly, we may increase analogue use rate in Tianjin. Finally, we can enlarge the market in Beijing and Zhuhai cities. The key point of the market strategy is to increase the possession rate of new diagnosed diabetes patients. With a strategy to enter and take a market share in potential cities, NN does not have to make large fixed investments in the cold supply chain. Instead NN can use its strategic relationship to expel its competitors. To occupy the new diagnosed diabetes patients within large patient pool, NN should concentrate community hospital on the big cities first, making access to general physician available in the city of NN product that only NN can access. This way the company can see how the patients and doctors like being connected to a faster and better treatment with a more advanced injection tool through its strong customer service center located at each branched offices. As we know, we can make fixed monthly payment for the patient once they recognized NN‘s treatment package. 6. Strategy Implementation Considering the industry and competitive conditions, we think the pharmaceuticals industry belongs to rapid growth industry; in particular, diabetes treatment market was ranked as 3rd biggest market in China. There are total about 100 billion patients need OAD and insulin treatment , and the number of patients will increased 10% annually. Comparing company’s resource and capabilities with the potential and existing competitors, NN is in the industry – leading position. Hence, the strategy of NN China is to enlarge the market volume then increase its market share. Likewise, NN still need to cultivate its competitive culture to pay attention the potential competitors in the coming yars. We therefore recommend NN choose to move forwards with our recommended strategy. This strategy involves the most stable and fit for NN culture, so we firmly believe that the industry is moving more and more towards and more and more patients may choose advance and safety treatment . Implementing strategy we recommend that NN keep firm strategic alliances with cold chain supplier to explore the second tier cities such as cities of west China. Also establish alliances or strengthen alliances with the health authority and National Diabetes Association.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Name Change for ISIS

Name Change for ISIS Name Change for ISIS Name Change for ISIS By Maeve Maddox English speakers have yet to agree on a word, phrase or acronym to label the terrorist group making news for such atrocities as beheading noncombatants and butchering unarmed prisoners. A few years ago, American journalists started referring to the group that was calling itself â€Å"Al-Dawla Al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham† as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), but this acronym has proved to be a poor choice; it suggests that the group’s focus is limited to Iraq and Syria. The term al-Sham does not stand for Syria. The English translation of al-Sham is â€Å"the Levant.† Levant came into English from French in the 15th century with the meaning â€Å"East,† (from French lever, â€Å"to rise.†) The region referred to was in the East. The sun rises in the east, ergo, levant (rising), present participle of lever. The Levant is â€Å"the eastern part of the Mediterranean, with its islands and the countries adjoining.† According to one interpretation, the Levant is made up of Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and part of southern Turkey. Others claim that the Levant refers only to Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine. The Associated Press has rejected the continued use of ISIS, preferring ISIL (L for Levant) as a more accurate interpretation of al-Sham. John Daniszewski, AP vice president and senior managing editor for international news, says, â€Å"We believe this is the most accurate translation of the group’s name and reflects its aspirations to rule over a broad swath of the Middle East.† Since June 2014, when the terrorist group named a â€Å"caliph† and dropped both Iraq and Levant from its name, ISIL has become less than accurate as a reflection of the group’s aspirations. Referring to themselves as â€Å"the Islamic State† reflects their self-image as a reincarnation of the medieval caliphate founded in the 7th century. The Umayyad caliphate (661-750) conquered lands from Arabia to Spain; their advance into Western Europe in 732 was turned back by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours. The words caliph and caliphate derive from Arabic khilafa, â€Å"succession.† A caliph is seen as the successor of Muhammad. A caliphate is a sovereign state ruled by a caliph under Islamic law (sharia). The office of caliph combines the functions of king and priest. British journalists seem to have decided on the initials IS as a short way of referring to the group without limiting its perceived goals to any particular region of the world. They use the term â€Å"Islamic State† for the first reference in an article and the capitalized initials IS in subsequent references. It seems to me that either ISIL or IS is preferable to ISIS. As a student of mythology and comparative religion, I cringe every time I hear the murderous terrorists referred to by an acronym that sounds like the name of the benign mother goddess Isis. And I sympathize with women like Isis Martinez of Miami who sees people â€Å"recoil in disgust† when she introduces herself these days. Postscript: I just heard an American reporter on NPR refer to the group as IS. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. Had20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"Sentence Adverbs

Monday, March 2, 2020

Langue - Definition and Discussion

Langue - Definition and Discussion In linguistics, language as an abstract system of signs (the underlying structure of a language), in contrast to parole, the individual expressions of language (speech acts that are the products of langue). This distinction between langue and parole was first made by Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure in his Course in General Linguistics (1916). See more observations below. Also see: Linguistic CompetenceParoleSemioticsSignWhat Is Language?What Is Linguistics? Etymology:  From the French, language Pronunciation:  lahng Observations on Langue Saussure distinguished between; langue, the rules of sign system (which might be grammar) and- parole, the articulation of signs (for example, speech or writing), the sum of which is language:language langue parole While langue could be the rules of, say, English grammar, it does not mean parole always has to conform to the rules of standard English (what some people erroneously call proper English). Langue is less rigid than the phrase set of rules implies, it is more a guideline and is inferred from the parole. Language is often likened to an iceberg: the parole is visible, but the rules, the supporting structure, are hidden.(Nick Lacey, Image and Representation: Key Concepts in Media Studies. Palgrave, 1998) The language system [langue] is not a function of the speaking subject, it is the product which the individual registers passively; it never presupposes premeditation, and reflection only comes into it for the activity of classification which will be discussed later.(Ferdinand de Saussure, Course in General Linguistics, 1916; translated by Wade Baskin, 1959) Langue and Parole Langue/ParoleThe reference here is to the distinction made by the Swiss linguist Saussure. Where parole is the realm of the individual moments of language use, of particular utterances or messages, whether spoken or written, langue is the system or code (le code de la langue) which allows the realization of the individual messages. As the language-system, object of linguistics, langue is thus totally to be differentiated from language, the heterogeneous totality with which the linguist is initially faced and which may be studied from a variety of points of view, partaking as it does of the physical, the physiological, the mental, the individual and the social. It is precisely by delimiting its specific object (that is, of the langue, the system of the language) that Saussure founds linguistics as a science.(Stephen Heath, Translators Note in Image-Music-Text by Roland Barthes. Macmillan, 1988) Interdependency of Langue and Parole​Saussures Cours does not overlook the importance of reciprocal conditioning between langue and parole. If it is true that langue is implied by parole, parole, on the other hand, takes priority on two levels, namely that of learning and that of development: it is in hearing others that we learn our mother tongue; it manages to settle in our brain only after countless experiences. Finally, it is parole that makes langue develop: it is the impressions received by hearing others that alter our linguistic habits. Thus langue and parole are interdependent; the former is both the instrument and the product of the latter (1952, 27).(Claude Hagà ¨ge, On the Death and Life of Languages. Yale Univ. Press, 2009)

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Create a Title Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Create a Title - Essay Example ive of business the commercialization of education as entertainment might seem a step towards improvement, the same picture might not be so beautiful while considering the total benefit from the human point of view. Neil Postman in his essay, Learning in the Age of Television, speaks about how the toddlers are targeted and how from the tender age they are made to understand and feel the importance of entertainment. He stresses on the steps that the television serials takes to capture the attention of the children and teaches them to abhor the regular classroom learning. From the very beginning, the television instills in the child’s mind the colorful world of entertainment and commercializes education. Edmundson in his essay On the Uses of a Liberal Education too continues this same fact. While Postman concentrates on the childhood potion of this generation, Edmundson concentrates on the teenage and pre adulthood portion or segments, which includes his observations of his own students. Neil Postman and Edmundson both stresses on the use of guilt that is stressed by the television and how it inculcates the need for entertainment into the minds of the children of this generation from their very birth. Postman argues that the shows like Sesame Street offers the parents guilt free pass this is because in most cases both the parents who are busy in their career cannot give time to their children. This is the reason that their children spend long hours watching TV (Postman). By allowing, their children to watch Sesame Street the parent feel that their children are learning something. This reduces their guilt considerably. Further, it also allows them time away from their children. It helps them to keep their children busy while they work. What they do not understand is the effect that TV has on their children in the later age. Edmundson traces the effect of this childhood TV watching and need for entertainment in his own classroom when he would

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Marketing - Essay Example Today’s world has created green image a necessity for businesses to grow, not only from environmental issues but also from competitive advantage’s point of view. Most of the businesses are adopting green image to be environment friendly. Some businesses follow green marketing to sell the benefits of the products while other in this capacity follows green businesses by running their operations in a green environment. Marketing- Growing Green This paper deals with marketing issues dealt in â€Å"Growing Green; The smart paths to developing sustainable products by Gregory Unruh & Richard Ettenson.† Thorough analysis of this article mentions the methods and problems related to growing green businesses. Green competition is increasing in today’s world due to resource allocation with respect to environmental issues. With the advent in knowhow of green products, marketing and businesses; most companies are adopting it as their competitive advantage. Patagonia is also one of them, who shifted their strategies towards environment friendly culture. Patagonia started as a small business to assist the climbers and surfers by making tools for them. Their main focus was to target all silent sport lovers by providing them with cloths and tools for climbing. This business was the main inspiration by the interest of the founder in these sports. Patagonia not only cared for the customer but also have a great love for the nature and its beauty. The notion of saving the environment brought them towards ecofreindly production. Their aim was not only to go green but also to take others â€Å"go green† in the industry. First green strategy of Patagonia was use of ecofriendly raw material in their cloths production. They used recycled polyester rather than cotton which usually contains pesticides. They have developed very high standards for being environment friendly users. They modify their product designs, manufacturing capacities, utilization of r aw material and energy sources to reduce the effect of these entire on environment. (Rarick, Charles A, Feldman, Lori S, 2008) They company started their journey of green image in early summer of 1994. This was the immediate response to the harmful impacts of their company on the environment. Research and development department conducted a thorough research on use of fibers predcted the major cause of dreadful impact on earth. "If we continue to make clothes with conventionally grown cotton, knowing what we know now, we're toast anyway. Let's do it; let's go organic."(Yvon, 1994) He advised the company to go green. There came an issue of dealing with the resources, company had and growing green through manufacturing of green products. For Patagonia it was difficult to sustain their image as a green business due to fewer resources, but it was necessary to do as a right thing for the environment. The sense of environmental responsibility can be use as a source of business differentiat ion and company growth through competitor’s intelligence. (Unrah. G, Ettenson. R, 2010) Green product development brought unique cultural and execution challenges to the company. This was important to address properly for the sustainability of the green business. In the case of growing green by Gregory Unrah and Richard Ettenson, many marketing issues related to green businesses were dealt. They mainly focused on the following issues. Sustainability Strategy formation Advertisement Positioning of the brand Green marketing Execution Same faced the

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Difficult People Essay -- essays research papers

Difficult People Analysis 1. In the beginning-part plot outline, Pyotr is a frustrated youth who strives to balance his financial expenditures to that of the amount of his father's low income. The effort to consume father's pension for Pyotr's schooling creates a serious doubt to the financial security of every member in household. Pyotr's father is a disappointment to the family, his anti-social behavior has subdued the family into a state of fear and panic at the harsh tone of his voice. In the middle-part plot outline, Pyotr now fantasizes about the possibility's of leaving the farm and walking the eighty miles North to Moscow. He would establish a capacity for impunity to the family's grief of a missing son. Pyotr will be inspired by a sole motivation, the relentless three day walk to Moscow. The journey will submit a stream of inevitable consequences as a cause of starvation, frostbite and fatigue, the ability to overcome this torment to the physical appearance would only better saturate the mental ability for perseverance and determination to reach the destination. The final logic of plot that must be explained at the end of the story is Pyotr's confrontation with his guilt-ridden, contemptuous father before he leaves for Moscow. The intent to reconcile father's financial loss is expressed through Pyotr's coaxing rhetoric and judgemental approach to his father's daily attitude at the table. Finally, the room is brightly lit, not by the family's ability to regroup--their affections were a bonfire now--but by a single, dazzling beam of sympathy to Pyotr, when his father says "Good-bye...the money is on the round table." 2. The main conflict of this story is a result of the family's financial status. Father's greed, low income, and Pyotr's frustration are key points to the main conflict. The conflict has plagued Pyotr most, the hallucination of abandoning his family is the main conflict in the story. 3. The nature of conflict is most likely the man vs self "setting". As oppose to a man vs man/machine/nature alternative, man striving ag... ...her's abuse. Pyotr adds depth and perception to the story, he has nothing but contempt for his father's attitude. Stagnation in a family built to destruct, Pyotr must leave the house. 10. The tone of voice is eqaully balanced between Pyotr and his father. The mother has little or nothing to say during a mealtime argument. When Pyotr's mother tells her husband "(Pyotr)... must have money for the journey" the argument sets place and very soon Pyotr's father is screaming "Take everything!...Take it all!...Strangle me!" The ability to immediately subdue the conflict by acknowledging the personal fault of sparking the financial debate goes unnoticed. 11. The dialogue delivers reality to the domestic situation. Pyotr begins "I used to be able to put up with such scenes...but now I have got out of the way of it!" Pyotr's father retorts "...Do you know what you cost me, you scoundrel? I'll turn you out!" This is the most effective scene in the story because Pyotr's father delivers the threat, his wife and daughter bear witness to the intimidation that is aroused by Pyotr's need for money.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Transracial Adoption

Transracial Adoption Transracial adoption is that white parents will not be able to give a black child a cultural identity and survival skills in a racially diverse society. â€Å"Adoption, defined as the legal act of taking a child into a family and raising the child as its own (Vianna, 1981). † Black children need to learn coping mechanisms to function in a society where racism is prevalent. Black families are capable of teaching these mechanisms in everyday life without having to seek out special projects or activities.They live their lives in a white-dominated society, and their children learn by daily interactions. Even when white adoptive families actively seek out interactions and activities with black families, they put an emphasis on the differences within their family. Cultural support can be especially difficult to give if there is limited understanding of the cultural differences of family members. White couples are ill equipped in their understanding of African Am erican culture to adequately prepare a child for life in an ethnic group other than that of the adoptive parents.Despite their best intentions, whites cannot fully understand life from a minority perspective. Over time, there has been a decline in the availability of white children to adopt. Adoption agencies cater to white middle-class prospective adoptive parents, and, because white children are not as available, the agencies try to persuade these families to adopt black children. The harm will come to transracial adoptees because of the obviousness of the adoption and the constant reminder of being adopted may be interpreted positively.A child who is of a different race will learn sooner that he or she is adopted, and being forced to recognize this will make the adoption easier to talk about, thus making for a more open relationship with the parents. It has been suggested that there are direct benefits to the child in learning early about the adoption. They include a greater open ness about the adoption, a positive self-identification with the adoptive status as well as racial identity, and recognition that there is no shared biology between the parents and child.Because the adopted child knows that he or she was wanted by the family, there is also recognition that race is not a factor in how much the child will be loved. This visible reminder that the child was chosen to be a part of the family can help to increase the child's self-esteem. The visible differences can also help to remind the child that he or she does not share biology with the parents. Simon and Alstein (1977) found that young black children, 3 to 8 years of age, saw themselves as black and did not attach any negative evaluation of themselves to their racial asked again to whom they would go if they needed help. † The results showed that the adopted children would still turn to their parents or siblings for help. The study's overall findings provided strong evidence that white parents are capable of raising children of another race to have high self-esteem, positive identities, and close family ties.There are several issues that families must consider before committing to transracial adoption. The most important thing to consider is the potential parents' own racial views. Another thing to consider is that the family will be in the minority after transracially adopting. The concern may be how the parent and other members of the family will deal with opinions expressed by those outside of the family. Prospective parents could think about adopting siblings so that each child will have a familiar face to help with the transition.Ignoring differences can cause hurt and resentment. Because race and culture are so closely linked, to be colorblind to someone's race is to ignore his or her culture. Children have a right to learn about their culture so that they can pass it down to the next generation. In conclusion, transracial adoption is not only a black and white issu e; children are also adopted from foreign countries. Places like Korean are popular when families decide to adopt, because the high birth rates and poor economic conditions in these places mean that there are often children readily available.There is not as much debate about the adoption of these children as there is over black children being adopted by white families, because adoption is seen as helping these children. The idea of saving a child is an idea that supporters of transracial adoption believe can happen right here in the United States by decreasing the numbers of children of all races awaiting placement with a permanent family. REFERENCES Shireman, J. F. ([995). Adoptions by Single Parents. In Single parent Families: Diversity, Myths and Realities (ed. Hanson). New York: Haworth Press, Inc.Simon, R. J. (1974). An assessment of racial awareness, preference, and self identity among white and adopted non-white children. Social Problems. 22. 43-57. Simon, R. J.. & Alstein, H . (1977). Transracial adoption. New York: Wiley. Simon, R. J. , & Alstein. H. (1987). Transracial adoptees and their families. New York: Praeger Publishers. Simon, R. J. & Alstein, H. ( 1991). Intercountry adoption. New York: Praeger Publishers. Vianna, F. M. (Ed). (1981). Tile American heritage desk dictionary. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Grapes Of Wrath Biblical Allusions Essay - 889 Words

John Steinbeck carefully molded his story The Grapes of Wrath to encompass many themes and ideas. He included several Biblical allusions to enforce his message of the migrating families coming together to form a community. Steinbeck alludes to Biblical characters through Jim Casy and Rose of Sharon, events like the family’s journey to California and the flood at the end of the novel, and teachings throughout the novel. The Biblical allusions represented by the characters in the novel are most obvious in the characters of Jim Casy and Rose of Sharon. However, the Joad family is made up of twelve including Connie, much like the twelve disciples that followed Jesus. Connie represents the traitor, the Judas figure who had†¦show more content†¦Rose of Sharon represents a Biblical allusion towards the end of the novel. After she gives birth to her stillborn child, she gives life to a starving man by breast-feeding him. Her sacrifice suggests the notion of rebirth through Christ’s physical body which is symbolized in the ritual of communion. When she tells the man to drink her milk she alludes to the Last Supper when Christ tells his disciples â€Å"Take, drink; this is my blood.† Rose of Sharon realizes this man will die without her, in the same way Christ said that without Him people will die spiritually. Rose of Sharon exemplifies the idea of helping others in need through her actions in the conclusion of the novel. Steinbeck also alludes to events in the Bible through situations among the Joad family. Their journey to California is much like the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to Caanan. The novel is broken up into three sections. The first part is the Joad’s eviction from their farms under the control of the banks and companies which parallels the Israelites’ slavery to the Egyptians. Both groups struggled under the control of overwhelming forces and left in hopes of a better life. The second part is the Joad’s journey from Oklahoma across the Panhandle in search of the promised California which parallels the Israelites wandering in the desert in search of the Promised Land. Both groups experienced many troubles, but were forced to relyShow MoreRelatedBiblical Allusions In The Grapes Of Wrath1796 Words   |  8 PagesThe Grapes of Wrath, is a story that construes the journey of the Joad family through the brutal migration from Oklahoma s destroying Dust Bowl to California corrupt promised land. Through the depiction of events and portrayal of characters, the bible takes part in the novel as one whole allusion. The anecdote of the struggle for survival in the fallen state of Oklahoma and in the â€Å"promised land† of California, reveals the same ideas shown as we explore in the bible. In The Grapes of Wrath, authorRead MoreBiblical Allusions In The Grapes Of Wrath1633 Words   |  7 Pagespieces is religion. The religious aspects of his stories are primarily shown through subtle connections to Biblical characters along with other hints. The most prominent piece of literature that displays religious connections is his novel The Grapes of Wrath. For the duration of the story, religion helps sustain the characters of the novel from difficult times. His novel contains numerous Biblical references that are conveyed through the characters of the Joad family along with Jim Casy; Steinbeck wantsRead MoreBiblical Allusions In The Grapes Of Wrath1717 Words   |  7 Pagesnovel, The Grapes of Wrath, is a story that describes the journey of the Joad family through the brutal migration from Oklahoma s destroying Dust Bowl to California corrupt promised land. Through the depiction of events and portrayal of characters, the bible takes part in the novel as one whole allusion. The story of struggle for survival in the fallen state of Oklahoma and in the â€Å"promised land† of California, reveals the same ideas shown as we explore in the bible. In The Grapes of Wrath, authorRead MoreBiblical Allusions to The Grapes of Wrath Essay example1457 Words   |  6 PagesBiblical Allusions to The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California, on February 27, 1902. He studied marine biology at Stanford University and then traveled east on a freighter through the Panama Canal. Steinbeck went to New York to work as a newspaper reporter but soon returned to California and held a variety of jobs while he wrote. Steinbeck published Tortilla Flat in 1935, Of Mice and Men in 1937, and The Red Pony in 1937, which established his reputation as a forcefulRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1645 Words   |  7 PagesBoth John Steinbeck’s criticism and optimism was written into The Grapes of Wrath, a book that he researched for nearly two years before he finally finished the book. While writing the novel, he said to his friend and literary agent: â€Å"I must go over into the interior valleys. There are about five thousand families starving to death over there...The states and counties will give them nothing because they are outsiders. But the crops of any part of this state could not be harvested without these outsidersRead MoreBlack Boy And The Grapes Of Wrath Analysis1728 Words   |  7 PagesThe Grapes of Wrath, respectively, full of biblical allusions to demonstrate that religion is ineffective at addressing the issues of the indigent because teleological narratives, when applied to material context, do not have the same end. While this paper claims that both authors have a negative casting of religion, other writers feel the opposite. One writer is Kelly Crockett, who posits a positive reading of religion in The Grapes of Wrath. In her essay, she identifies a slew of biblical allusionsRead MoreEssay on Rhetorical Analysis- the Grapes of Wrath967 Words   |  4 PagesRhetorical Analysis- The Grapes of Wrath â€Å"You don’ know what you’re a-doin’,† were Casy’s last words before he died as a martyr. Casy died for his cause, his belief that the elite were not truly aware of how their greed was causing the suffering of the weak and that the weak could only surpass their sorrows if they worked together. Steinbeck uses chapter 25 of Grapes of Wrath to portray this very message. Steinbeck uses an array of rhetorical devices such as symbolism and the use of a instructiveRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1563 Words   |  7 Pages John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, depicts a migrant farming family in the 1930s. During this time, life revolved around the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, making circumstances difficult for almost everyone involved, especially those who had little. This time of drought and despair caused people to lose hope in everything they’ve ever known, even themselves, but those who did not, put their hope in the â€Å"promised land† of California. Here, the grass was thought to be truly greenerRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Grapes Of Wrath Essay1076 Words   |  5 Pages3.. The tile itself is an allusion to a biblical reference. The line â€Å"Grapes of Wrath† comes from a Hymn, songs sang in churches, titled â€Å"The Battle Hymn of the Republic.† The journey that the Joad family goes on is a biblical allusion to the Exodus Journey. All the parts of the Journey can be traced back to the Bible. When the drought that stops the family from wor king in family comes to the journey to california and to working in california. The farm because their prison like the prisoners of theRead More A Comparison of Migrant Workers in The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men2731 Words   |  11 PagesMigrant Workers in The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   John Steinbeck wrote about what surrounded him. At the time he was writing, the nineteen-thirties, a great depression was plaguing the United States. Many people were out of work. Many farmers were losing their farms and homes. An extreme drought had also wrecked the farms of the Midwest and made them into what is now referred to as the dust bowl. It was a terrible time to be poor, and most were. People died of malnutrition