Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Malcolm X Autobiography - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 843 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/03/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Autobiography Essay Malcolm X Essay Did you like this example? The Autobiography of Malcolm X Originally written and published in 1965, The Autobiography of Malcolm X sheds light on the lives of journalist Alex Haley and human rights activist Malcolm X. It is a spiritual conversation narrative that consists of different aspects or themes regarding Malcolms philosophy of pan-Africanism, Black Nationalism, and black pride (X 12). Though Alex Haley co-wrote the book and contributed a lot to its global success, he chose to keep his tone down and stayed mute throughout the text in order to create the effect that Malcolm X is directly speaking to his readers; this is why modern scholars and critics do not consider Alex Haley a ghostwriter but an essential collaborator.. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Malcolm X Autobiography" essay for you Create order Born in 1925, Malcolms original name was Malcolm Little, who took a little time to realize that the only way to gain popularity is by becoming a human rights activist. Starting with his mothers pregnancy, this book talks about Malcolm Xs childhood especially the days he spent in Michigan (X 14). In the next chapters, we can read how the death of his father took place and how his mothers deteriorating mental condition led to her commitment to a psychiatric hospital. Since his childhood, Malcolm had seen various ups and downs in life, and this distracted his attention from his studies. Eventually, his involvement in organized crimes increased, and he was arrested and sentenced to ten-year prison. However, he served only six years, starting from 1946 and ending in 1952. Then this book highlights how he felt about the Nation of Islam and what were his opinions about Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm X emerged as a human rights spokesperson when he grew up and understood the ugly truths of life. The book has documented his disillusionment along with his departure from Islam. He spent some years in Makkah and was a true follower of the religion of Islam (X 57). However, things did not go as he had expected and Malcolm was forced to quit on his religious and moral values. Afterward, he went to Africa and spent the rest of his life there. Before the book ends, journalist Alex Haley has beautifully summarized how the last days of his Malcolms life had been. The most important things that are discussed in this part of the book are what made him become a human rights activist and how his conversation with the believers of Sunni Islam changed his mind during his stay in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. After reading the book, I have learned that Malcolm X had to struggle a lot for his survival. However, the fact is that the religion of Islam is not as bad as is portrayed in The Autobiography of Malcolm X. In fact, it is one of the most powerful, beautiful and famous religions in the world. Whatsoever Malcolms conversations with the believers of Sunni Islam had been in the past, this should have never affected his religious and moral values since the believers of Sunni Islam constitute only 35 percent of the total population of Muslims! Malcolm was born and raised in a religious environment, so he was better to have a firm faith in God, but this could not happen. Instead, he chose to say goodbye to this religion and emerged as a human rights activist. Personally, I think that becoming a human rights activist is a good thing since Malcolm X was provided with plenty of chances of serving humanity. However, his departure from the Nation of Islam makes no sense to me. If he had some personal opinions, ideas or thoughts regarding a particular topic, he should have told it openly. Alex Haley, whose interview with Malcolm X helped him to write such a marvelous book, has done a masterful job of rewording, editing and formatting the transcripts. Still, I think that it was better for him to add some personal opinions too. For instance, he could have shared whether he agrees with Malcolm Xs decision of quitting on Islam or not. Throughout the book, I could not read even a single line depicting his own thoughts or beliefs. I later decided to take up Maya Angelou, Walter Mosley, Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, and Paul Laurence Dunbar and found that none of those authors and activists did things like Alex Haley and Malcolm X. I am not here criticizing Alex for the quality of content. In fact, I am criticizing him for not sharing his personal opinions. As far as Malcolms personality is concerned, he was an abrupt person because he changed his mind all of a sudden, quit on a beautiful religion like Islam, and did things his parents would have never allowed him to do. In conclusion, I can say that The Autobiography of Malcolm X is an interesting book, but I do not agree with most of the things Malcolm did in his life as well as with Alex Haley for being quiet throughout the book. This could have been a better and more informative work if Alex had shared his thoughts somewhere, even in the last chapter, but he did not do so.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Passport Application Declaration 1 - 1309 Words

Your Passport Application What to do now Your passport details: Application 2640039260 Mr Ross Arthur John Chapman , Adult Renewal,  £72.50 PLEASE PRINT OFF THIS DOCUMENT AT ACTUAL SIZE Thank you for submitting your details and payment for a British passport. To complete the application please follow the steps below. If you don’t send us the information we need it may delay the application. 1) Declaration Fill in the form on page 2. For child applications the form must be signed by an adult with parental responsibility for the child. For children aged 12-15 we need a signature from the child and the adult. 2) Supporting Documents Review the document check list. Send us the documents listed. We only accept original versions or†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ be taken against a plain cream or plain light-grey background be printed to a high quality, such as photos printed by a booth or studio (photographs printed at home are unlikely to be of high enough quality) be clear and in sharp focus be taken within the last month be in colour on plain white photographic paper not be torn, creased, or marked, and not have any writing on the front or back – except when one of the photos needs to be certified. Children Children aged five and under do not need to have a neutral expression or look directly at the camera. Babies under one don’t need to have their eyes open. If the baby’s head needs to be supported, the supporting hand must notShow MoreRelatedCases study for constitution Essays1064 Words   |  5 PagesFederal Court for a declaration that the Act was inconsistent with various provisions of the Constitution and further for a declaration that the Act is void to the extent of such inconsistencies. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Gender Roles in European Culture Free Essays

Throughout history, women have made up a sort of â€Å"minority† in the world’s many societies. They have been looked upon as property to husbands and fathers. Their place was deemed the male’s home. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Roles in European Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Women were to provide services to men, ranging from carrying an heir (hopefully a male) to providing a clean home and cooked meals. Women in high-income nations still continue to face challenges because of their gender, and those in low-income nations often remain thought of as property. From a symbolic interactionist perspective, gender is an issue that is based on many underlying historical concepts, and it continues to contribute to world-wide poverty. As symbolic interactionists view social problems using a microlevel perspective, they see that gender roles are learned behaviors taught by individual socializing agents in each society. Parents immediately begin teaching their children what it is to be a male or female in how they treat their sons and daughters. For example, parents are more likely to play rough with their sons, who are often dressed in clothes pertaining to superheroes. This teaches the young male that strength, athletic ability, and courage are â€Å"desirable. † He might then try to epitomize this throughout his lifetime. On the other side, a daughter is often dressed in frilly outfits depicting maidens in distress (Cinderella, for example), and they are usually kept inside from getting dirty to learn homemaking skills. Throughout their lifetime, then, they will remember what it is to be a female according to their parents. Thus, from birth, children are subjected to differing gender roles within a society. Symbolic interactionists also see that gender roles could be taught with something as seemingly insignificant as communication. Linguistic sexism, which is patterns of communication that degrade a particular sex (usually female), is often cited as employing the dominance of one gender to perpetuate traditional gender roles. For example, the English word â€Å"mankind† includes every human being on Earth, whether male or female, even though it conjures up the idea of a group of males. Also, if a female enters a medical profession, she is often referred to as a â€Å"female doctor† to avoid confusion in this traditionally male-dominated job. Even nonverbal communication can perpetuate dominance. A female that always touches a male at her prerogative in public is easily viewed as the dominant figure within the relationship. Eye contact can be used to stress the dominance of one over another (as in animals, when a â€Å"stare down† has been won, the winner has taken dominance). As communication is passed from parent to child in every generation, until it changes, it will perpetuate inequality. Though women’s roles in the world are changing rapidly in high-income nations, many still face problems regarding poverty through all sociological perspectives. Not all women will grow up to become doctors and lawyers, as these fields are still dominated by males. According to the glass ceiling idea, women can only go so far in their dominated jobs. However, the glass elevator idea lifts men to reach even higher than women in female-dominated jobs, such as nursing. Men are typically paid more and regarded as being able to handle more complicated problems (so they are well-suited to move up in companies and manage others). Therefore, women without husbands to help them may not be able to provide the usual income it would take for her to live above the poverty level. This is restrictive to single mothers who are trying to provide for themselves as well as their children. If they cannot move up in their job, they will not be able to provide money for food, housing, child care during her work hours, and other basic necessities (such as clothes for her children). She may get help from the government, but as soon as she gets above a certain income level (which is still on the poverty line), she is cut off of federal aid. It will then take her months to get back into the system, even though she has already been in it before. This creates a cycle of poverty for the woman and her children, who, growing up in poverty, will be more likely to be stuck in poverty throughout their lifetimes. Therefore, the inequality of women in the economy and government as compared to men burdens them in different ways. Since the government does not bother to consider these differences when coming up with plans of action, poverty is still perpetuated. However, the government has tried to cut back on poverty by giving states incentives (additional funds) for having less poverty. This legislation is known as B. O. B. nd encourages states to solve the poverty problem from its roots to wipe it out. Resolutions have also been introduced to reinforce less discrimination against women. These macrolevel answers have little to do with the problem on the microlevel, which has yet to be solved. Language and gestures are hard to change, even over generations and generations. Traditions ebb and flow on their own with regards to advancing technology, ideas, and beliefs. Therefore, from a symbolic interactionist perspective, there is not yet a true solution to the problems of gender inequality and resulting poverty. How to cite Gender Roles in European Culture, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Ships of slaves- the middle passages free essay sample

The ships of slaves-The Middle Passages documentary, reinforced chapter 2 in our textbook. The documentary appropriately identified The Middle Passage; the black holocaust. The similarities are apparent. The documentary started by retelling the story of the Portuguese prince, Henry the Navigator, and how he acquired 12 slaves which started the initiation of the middle passage. I enjoyed how music, dance, poetry, and storytelling all were fused together to portray a powerful message.The universal theme and ending message that grabbed from the documentary was in order for us to regress forward as a culture, to understand who and what we are, it is important to understand where we came from and what we have had to endure. It truly awakened my senses. The sound of metal on metal resulting from the toiling of the shackles unloving hugging the limbs of the slaves is what resonates to me from watching the documentary. Two very distinct contrasts of sounds were presented in this documentary that echoed in my head. We will write a custom essay sample on Ships of slaves- the middle passages or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One is the sound of happiness and strength, it is the sound of beautiful African people dancing and moving. Free birds expressive in the wind with their bodies. Why do they dance? They dance because they have happiness from within that cannot be broken. They dance for their ancestors and they dance for their family legacy. They dance to release strength and power thats natural from their cultural beginning. Brown bodies with elegant curves dance in the darkness. In contrast, heard the sound of hate the sound of hurt and pain.I heard the sound of feet tired of walking to a place of unknown for unknown reasons. Raw feet heard, bleeding pain of misery and peeling away slowly the happiness from walking bare foot on the ground that once supported them. The walk heard was slow and dark as if every step was a decision to be obedient or break free. I heard the metal clattering together and heard years and years of pain to come. Those were the sounds that I gathered. Family and family bonds are part of the rich history of African culture.The Europeans wanted to civilize the African people who were already more civilized than the others. They resided in peaceful villages and were hunted like animals. The trade was used to distinguish classes. What makes one person greater or lesser than another? Who is granted the right to make that decision? As was mentioned in the documentary, I think of the humiliation the women oaken as slaves had to endure or attempt to combat. They must have felt worthless in a different unimaginable way as their bodies were taken. They must have felt deep sorrow as their children were left alone to wander about the forest. They must have felt their femininity diminish as they were forced to live in filth the horrible conditions naked with no dignity. I cannot even fathom. It was the training and natural blood of the Africans that enabled the majority to overcome the obstacles as much as they could. They were trained to survive, endure, to develop strength from within, and warfare to protect their African heritage.