Thursday, October 31, 2019

Approve or disapprove each proposal and provide your reasons such as Research Paper

Approve or disapprove each proposal and provide your reasons such as costs, benefits and ethical issues raised in relation to your recommendation to Approve or Disapprove - Research Paper Example If anyone has ever heard of the Tuskegee experiment, or the human experiment performed on Guatemalans by infecting them with STD’s, one knows the dangers that can be inherent upon experimenting on people—which may abound. This research will delve into whether the proposed research and cost, the experimental group and benefits, and the control group and ethics are balanced in experimenting with human subjects. Your committee is the State University IRB. Dr. Jones is interested in the effect of stress on performance on the McCord Intelligence Test. She feels that the test, which is very †¨widely used in public schools, gives misleadingly low scores to kids under stress. The proposed research is about how stress affects student performances on the McCord intelligence test. However, one of the difficulties with such a test is the way in which the experiment was conducted. In order to measure stress—instead of having one group told they had failed and having one group told they had passed—that would not have factored in to stress as much as other ways of testing this. For example, the experimental group could have been given various stressing tasks to do before the test—such as writing a timed essay—while the other group, the control group, would not have to write such an essay before being tested. This would more effectively test the results of stress on students taking tests, some of whom may either underperform on assessments or might have anxiety problems. These people tend not to score well. She †¨wants to divide her subjects (college students) into two groups of 20 each. All subjects †¨will take a bogus pretest and will be given their "results." The experimental group will be †¨told that they failed the test and that it is surprising that they were able to do well enough †¨in high school to get into college. The benefits of the study do not

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Illegal Immigration Essay Example for Free

Illegal Immigration Essay One of the reasons of implementing the US immigration policy is to control and protect America’s national borders. The US border patrol controls and protects international state lines in the effort to arrest any individuals making attempts to enter the US illegally. Illegal immigration attempts are predominant on the border between the US and Mexico. In the past 20 years, economic recession in Mexico has contributed to increase illegal entries or attempts to the same by the Mexicans. Consequently, political sensitivity about illegal immigration that has been brought by Mexico’s poor economic performance has made the US government to dramatically improve the efforts aimed at increasing security at the US- Mexico border. Most illegal immigrants are seen to move from Mexican border cities to US Border States as their final destination. According to Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo, border patrol officers have had to spend more hours policing the Mexican border with an increase of up to 5. million hours in 1997 from 1. 8 million hours in 1977 (2002). Border regions are mostly affected by situations caused by illegal immigration. For example, illegal immigration has the likelihood of affecting border markets. Such markets include Southern California, Mexican cities on the US-Mexico borders and South Western Texas (Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo, 2002). Illegal immigration has both negative and positive results to the socio-economic status of the US. Effects of Illegal Immigration Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo claim that immigration leads to the reduction of wages of US workers. The rise in immigration cases has resulted in low skilled immigrants and low skilled US workers competing for jobs. Moreover, immigrants are ready to take up any jobs leaving the low skilled US workers to settle for the remaining jobs (Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo, 2002). Findings by Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo indicate that border enforcement deters illegal immigrants whose entry has impacts on the labor markets in the US border areas. According to these findings, border regions can minimize illegal immigration without necessarily changing the native wages or even moving the natives from border regions or discouraging them to move to the border areas (Hanson, Robertson and Spilimbergo, 2002). Border economies may also be forced to shift to industries that are dependent on the skills of arriving immigrants so that low skilled labor can be secured for both US natives and immigrants (2002). Illegal immigrants are seen to add to the problem of public health that is already an issue that needs attention and review in the US. Attention is focused on the recent developments that allow immigrants to use public programs such as heath insurance. As per the 2000 census, 1 in every 5 children is an immigrant family member in the largely dispersed immigrant families in America. The immigration statuses of parents and children may also differ with up to 10% of immigrant children living in families of mixed status hence creating complexity. There are non-citizen parents who live with citizen children as their main caregivers. The citizen children may be denied health insurance due to their parents’ citizenship and this may affect the health of both parents and children despite them being Americans (Paiti and Danagoulian, 2008). It is important to note that poor health of immigrants’ children will eventually have a significant effect on the socio-economic future of every American. According to Paiti and Danagoulian, foreign born children in the US do not depend on public health insurance schemes compared to those born in the US despite the reverse of the rule on public charge. The increased likelihood of foreign born children to be uninsured, to live in poverty and to have parents who have less than high school formal education is a contributing factor to the poor living conditions. The parents’ poor economic abilities create future projections of low abilities of immigrant children to be economically productive members of the labor force in America (Paiti Danagoulian, 2008). Today, USA claims that about 7 million illegal immigrants do not have medical insurance due to legal restrictions. In addition, 366,000 of the immigrants buy insurance policies from private companies. A publication on USA today named â€Å"Everyone Benefits if Illegal Immigrants are insured† claimed that just as in automobile insurance, the US public would benefit from premiums paid by illegal immigrants by collecting the surplus using it to provide better health care to the US citizens (USA Today, 2009). Illegal immigration is wrong and it should be stopped, but in the meantime, the country should benefit from having illegal aliens around before inventing ways of stopping the practice in order to create a win-win in the situation. In addition to border patrols and the deportation of captured aliens, the introduction of an Immigration and Control Act in 1986 helped in controlling illegal immigration (Pearce and Hill, 1990). According to Pearce Hill, â€Å"immigration law will reduce employment of illegal aliens in some parts of the economy but not in others†. However, limitations in the US budget will force authorities â€Å"to focus their enforcement efforts on industries with a large concentration of illegals at an individual business establishment† (1990, pp. 43). Prior to the act, employers hired illegal immigrants knowingly as they would face no penalty. Since this law, there has been a registered decline in border crossings in most entry points and more illegal immigrants finding it hard to get jobs. Although the reform process is done by high skilled professionals, sanctions will improve the standard of living of low skill laborers even though to a small extent. Pearce and Hill suggest that substantial improvement in the real wages of legal and less skilled laborers will occur if sanctions are fully executed. In addition, legal and illegal low skill labor should be subject to substitution. The law must also be accurately applied to achieve benefits of sanctions (Pearce Hill, 1990). The Economist reports that critics fear the influx of Hispanic immigrants, who enter the US illegally, take up jobs and move into different parts of the country, are able to create two nations (2005). The illegal Latino immigrants take up common jobs in construction, distribution and food industry that is well needed for economic growth of the cities they occupy. Immigrants are seen to be assimilated into the US by almost becoming like everyone else in the US. They now become citizens, pay taxes, enlist in the army, participate in politics and even speak English (The Economist, 2005). Despite fears of critiques of the negative effects of immigration, positive outcomes have also been observed from the same which is an important input to America. Conclusion Immigrants to the US have been seen to continue gaining access illegally despite the introduction of more sophisticated patrols at entry points. The introduction of labor laws that protect legal workforce in the US continues to protect low skilled laborers. However, better laws ought to be formulated to ensure that workers do not receive wages that are beneath their ability to sustain a comfortable life. In addition, illegal immigrant families should be assisted to take care of their offspring who are American citizens by acquiring medical insurance and other facilities as it has proven to be beneficial to the American populace. Socio-economic benefits accrued from the inclusion of immigrants in the social programs of America should also be observed as a positive contribution to the society.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Care of People in a Residential Setting

The Care of People in a Residential Setting SOCIAL WORK: Contribute to care of people in a residential setting TASK 1: Explanation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its application in the social services The Treaty of Waitangi is an agreement signed between the Maori and the Crown in the year 1840. It has four principles that are being applied in the social services of today, and these are: partnership, protection, participation and permission. These principles are applied when social workers work together with the whanau and the client in the decision-making with regards to the kind of care the client needs. It is also applied when client’s cultural rights are kept safe and allowing them to practice their traditions if pleased. These principles are applied in contributing to the care of people in a residential setting based on these following examples: 1. PROTECTION – A Maori resident who wants to keep his traditions such as removing shoes upon entering his room must be observed by the staff to show their respect of his cultural rights. 2. PARTNERSHIP – Social worker, client and whanau could organize a hui to discuss about the best alternative education courses to arrange for a Maori child who has been admitted at a CYFs residential home due to criminal offense. 3. PARTICIPATION – Client and social worker may have a regular weekly meeting to discuss about the effectiveness of being admitted in a residential home for the client. Client can work together with the social worker to develop a plan on how the activities and programs in the facility could be helpful to him. TASK 2: Manage admission to residential care TASK 3: Contribute to planning for residential care of the resident TASK 4: Contribute to residential care of the resident TASK 5: Contribute to evaluation of the residential care plan TASK 6: Application of social service theory In this particular case, the social work theory on Working with Particular Client Groups was taken into consideration because we were dealing with a teenager. A client at this age has different needs and interests as compared to an adult client. Social worker must ensure to gain the attention and trust of the client to ensure her cooperation in the process. Gender is also taken into account, since the client is a girl, the social worker gave her residential care options that are friendly to her needs and in where she will feel safe and secure. Cultural rights were also taken note of. Client is a Maori thus, she was referred to a Maori organization to protect her tikanga and let her know more about her whakapapa. During her youth hearing the judge encouraged her to recite her pipiha to remind her of her whanangataunga and to practice their te reo which was very helpful to the client as it also encouraged her to get connected with her cultural roots. Hannah Marie N. Manlangit13160103

Friday, October 25, 2019

prejudice in to kill a mockingbird :: essays research papers

Prejudice is arguably the most prominent theme of the novel. It is directed towards groups and individuals in the Maycomb community. Prejudice is linked with ideas of fear superstition and injustice. Racial prejudice consumed the mob (pg 166), which wished to prevent Tom even gaining a court hearing, the most basic form of justice. This is probably the fiercest form of prejudice in the novel. The abolition of slavery after the civil war gave blacks the same legal position as many whites in America. This initially made Blacks ´ lives harder because now the Whites saw them as competitors for jobs during the 30s depression. Fear and paranoid led to the Whites believing that the Blacks desired all the whites had, including their women. Aunt Alexandra ´s attitude to Calpurnia The Missionary tea ladies ´ comments about the Blacks Segregation of White and Black in Maycomb Dolphus Raymond - White man living with Black woman Class & Family Group is recognised by Jem on page 249 â€Å"There are four kinds of folks in the world†¦Ã¢â‚¬  -  · Finches & neighbours: White middle-class  · Cunninghams: Badly hit farming community  · Ewells: Lowest class of whites ‘White Trash ´  · Blacks: Seen as bottom of social strata Due to the abolition of slavery there was no longer a clear-cut line between the Ewells and the Blacks; skin colour did not make them any better. When Tom said in the trial that he felt sorry for Mayella (a crime worse than rape in the jury ´s eyes) - the lowest class showing superiority for a class above themselves. The white community was frightened for their own position in society; the only reason Tom was found guilty was to maintain the traditional hierarchies. Alexandra is obsessed with heredity and educating Scout and Jem of their superior family background - she will not allow Scout to bring home a Cunningham to play, nor will she allow her to visit Calpurnia at her home. Everyone in Maycomb has a particular â€Å"streak† (pg 143), mean streak, drinking streak etc. There is a lot of pigeon holing families (pg 145). Gender - At the time the novel is set, women were still regarded as unequal to men. Scout learns this from:  · Miss Maudie in terms of religion (pg 50)  · Atticus in terms of the law - no women on juries  · Alexandra in expected terms of dress and behaviour However, there was an idealised view of women held at the time - the Southern Gentleman was excepted to be chivalrous to Southern Belles and that these women were to be protected and almost worshiped.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Management Philosophy Essay

Diversity trainer through the National Multi-Cultural Institute (NMCI) which is based out of Washington DC. Bahaudin worked as a manager, an Internal Consultant, Trainer, and Teacher at the Education and Training Development Department of Human Resources with Publix Super Markets Inc. for sixteen years. Bahaudin has been a visitor or speaker on conferences in the United States of America, Vietnam, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Brazil, Jamaica, Bahamas, St. Lucia, Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Grenada, and several other Caribbean countries. Bahaudin was born in Khoshie of Logar and raised in Kabul of Afghanistan. Bahaudin finished his high school degree and higher education in the United States. Management Philosophy: Some of Bahaudin’s favorite management concepts, which he has used in practice, happen to be Self-fulfilling Prophecy, Theory Y View of Motivation, Management by Objective and Management by Walking Around. Managers are likely to get exactly what they expect from themselves and their employees. Bahaudin believes that most people want to do a good job, especially when they are given the right tools, educational developments and performance opportunities. He prefers leading people and managing systems. Bahaudin likes to clarify his overall objectives, set realistic goals and then work to achieve them in a realistic timeframe. According to Bahaudin, the journey of working toward the achievement of one’s goals itself can certainly be one way to happiness. As they say, happiness is the way. Bahaudin truly believes that happiness is a journey, and not a destination. Happiness is the progressive realization of worthwhile and predetermined goals. So, set your goals and, as someone said, then â€Å"work like you don’t need money; study like you are a noble prize winner; love like you’ve never been hurt; and dance like no one’s watching. Have a positive attitude and, when possible, make a difference in at least one person’s life. Remember, if you can perceive and believe a better state of being, then you are very likely to achieve it as well. Overall, learn as much as you can; stretch yourself as far as possible, but not beyond; never settle for less than your capabilities; aim for total integrity; and be the best that you can be! As an effective manager and leader, may you have the hindsight to know where you have been; the foresight to know where you are going; and the insight to know when you are about to go too far.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Design of Sound Activated Remote Control Essay

ABSTRACT Nowadays, when delinquency has more and more expanded and burglary, even car theft has become a social phenomenon and due to the limitation of infrared remote control in terms of control distance from the electrical equipment which not exceed in 30 feet or 10 meters and require line of sight when communicating with each other that you cannot easily access the equipment when you’re not in home or away from your car. This project study able to provide a solution for security and electronic devices conveniences. Design of sound activated remote control and alarm system utilizing mobile phone has been developed for security purposes and safety conveniences of electrical and electronic equipments with no phone call charges. The proposed design consists of the designed interface board and two cellular phones: one as a controller and the other as a transceiver. Whenever the status of the alarm changes, an automatic dial triggering of transceiver mobile phone will activated to alert the controlling mobile phone. Alternatively, the controlling mobile phone can turn on and off the equipment that connected to system by calling the transceiver mobile phone from any place that have mobile phone signal coverage. Findings of the project study showed that the design and developed circuit of mobile phone that used available local parts in the market is working properly for safety conveniences. It was user friendly through cellular communication and it effectively turns on and off electrical equipments through missed call triggering where you can easily access your equipments even if you’re not in the house or in holiday vacation. It proves that the ring detection circuit of the proposed project avoids phone call charges to the caller resulting to low cost maintenance compared to other commercial system that capable of performing similar functions but with relatively high cost. Based on the data collected the researcher concluded that the project is proven feasible, cheaper maintenance and easy to use and integrate. This was very reliable and worthy as an equipment remote control and alarm monitor system during its operation. In comparison to similar devices the developed system had able to perform similar functions without even software or programming involved. It was very effective and advisable for controlling equipments that are beyond the reach of the user without phone charges to the caller This project study is highly recommended to used for the community to activates their electrical and electronic equipments from any location that within the coverage area. These add up to their security and handiness of the equipments. For the students and future researcher with the same field of study should made research also to complement the information provided in this study. For the improvement of the design automatic charging of the mobile phone unit should take in consideration and the design system must be properly encapsulated to eliminate any unwanted signals that might trigger the system.